Paal Admin Frontend Setup
This page explains on how to setup and run the paal admin frontend
Paal Admin Frontend Documentation
The Paal Admin Frontend is the admin interface component of the Paal ecosystem platform, providing users with access to various features and functionalities of the platform.
Table of Contents
Configuration Setup
Package.json Configuration
Running the Frontend
The Paal Admin Frontend serves as the admin interface for the Paal ecosystem platform. This documentation provides detailed instructions on setting up and configuring the frontend to ensure it runs smoothly.
Configuration Setup
Before setting up the Paal Admin Frontend, ensure the following configuration is adjusted:
Config.tsx File
Set the backend API URL in the main.js
Ensure the URL points to the correct backend endpoint.
Package Installation
This is a Node.js application, so install the necessary packages using npm:
Running the Frontend
To start the Paal Admin Frontend, use the following commands:
Development Mode
For development mode, run:
This will start the development server and open the application in your default browser.
To build the project for production, run:
This will compile the TypeScript code and bundle the application for deployment.
To lint the code, run:
This will run ESLint to check for code quality and style issues.
To preview the built application, run:
This will start a local server to preview the production build.
The Paal Admin Frontend is now configured and ready to be developed or deployed. Ensure all configurations are set correctly before proceeding.
Last updated